Monitoring Lab Climate Adaptation

We help to monitor climate adaptation

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The Netherlands

Monitoring Lab Climate Adaptation

We help to monitor climate adaptation

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The Netherlands

CAS has the ambition to play a pioneering, innovating and encouraging role in the field of climate adaptation monitoring. The Climate Adaptation Monitoring Lab is the main pillar of CAS’ innovation ambitions on this topic. On this page you can read how we have been investing in monitoring since 2016, what the Monitoring Lab entails and what we want to achieve with it.

Kim van Nieuwaal knows everything about this project

Why do we invest in monitoring?

In order to know how far we have got with our ambition to make the Netherlands climate proof and whether we are going fast enough, it is necessary to monitor climate adaptation. However, monitoring climate adaptation is a complicated subject. Also, you can gain good insights more quickly if all parties involved in the development and implementation of monitoring can learn from and inspire each other. A joint search for comparable reference frameworks, such as definitions, standards and methodologies, is therefore of great value.

How have we invested in adaptation monitoring so far?

We have contributed to several innovative developments in the field of monitoring in recent years:

  • We helped formulate the ambitions set out in the 2016 Dutch National Climate Adaptation Strategy (NAS) and developed them into a plan of action. One of the spearheads was to invest in a long-term knowledge and monitoring system.
  • Together with the staff of the Delta Commissioner we developed the method underlying the six-yearly scientific review of the Delta Programme. This method provides insights that are important for monitoring on a national scale.
  • Together with the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency we conducted a definition study to monitor the implementation of climate adaptation policy in the shorter and longer terms.
  • For the research proposal for LIFE IP NAS, we wrote the monitoring section together with Deltares. This has not only strengthened the proposal, but it has also ensured that the proposal is consistent with the PBL definition study.

In addition, we are trying to make smart connections with practice, for example through the Climate Adaptation Knowledge Portal that we manage. We have set up an online monitoring knowledge file there for anyone who wants to get started with monitoring in a well-informed way. In this knowledge file you will find current information and links to monitoring projects. This knowledge file is a first version that can be further expanded in the coming period.

What does the Monitoring Lab entail?

In order to connect national developments with what is happening in practice in terms of monitoring, we have created a Monitoring Lab on Climate Adaptation. This Monitoring Lab provides a unique opportunity to brainstorm with various parties on an integrated monitoring system for climate adaptation in a trusted and controlled environment. The participants exchange experiences and ideas, which immediately provides valuable insights and concrete ideas to use in pilot projects. Parties participating in the Lab are helping to develop a monitoring system. CAS has invited these parties to participate in the Lab so that they can learn from others and also inspire others. In this way, the various participants can contribute to the development of an integrated monitoring system. These are frontrunners among the decentralized authorities, with provinces, (DPRA) working regions, water boards and municipalities being represented. All these local authorities are also taking part in concrete pilot projects. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, PBL and the staff of the Delta Programme Commissioner are involved to insure a connection with programmes on a national level.

What do we want to achieve with the Monitoring Lab?

Ultimately, it is the intention of all participants in the Monitoring Lab to develop a monitoring system that works not only for everyone’s own ambitions and purposes. Together we want to contribute to an integral monitoring system that can answer the following questions:

  • Are we doing what has been agreed?
  • What effects do we see in practice?
  • Are we on track?
  • How can we learn from this and become smarter?

Would you like to know more?

Would you like to know more about the pilot projects in the field of monitoring or about the Monitoring Lab? Please contact Kim van Nieuwaal.

Why do we invest in monitoring?

In order to know how far we have got with our ambition to make the Netherlands climate proof and whether we are going fast enough, it is necessary to monitor climate adaptation. However, monitoring climate adaptation is a complicated subject. Also, you can gain good insights more quickly if all parties involved in the development and implementation of monitoring can learn from and inspire each other. A joint search for comparable reference frameworks, such as definitions, standards and methodologies, is therefore of great value.

How have we invested in adaptation monitoring so far?

We have contributed to several innovative developments in the field of monitoring in recent years:

  • We helped formulate the ambitions set out in the 2016 Dutch National Climate Adaptation Strategy (NAS) and developed them into a plan of action. One of the spearheads was to invest in a long-term knowledge and monitoring system.
  • Together with the staff of the Delta Commissioner we developed the method underlying the six-yearly scientific review of the Delta Programme. This method provides insights that are important for monitoring on a national scale.
  • Together with the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency we conducted a definition study to monitor the implementation of climate adaptation policy in the shorter and longer terms.
  • For the research proposal for LIFE IP NAS, we wrote the monitoring section together with Deltares. This has not only strengthened the proposal, but it has also ensured that the proposal is consistent with the PBL definition study.

In addition, we are trying to make smart connections with practice, for example through the Climate Adaptation Knowledge Portal that we manage. We have set up an online monitoring knowledge file there for anyone who wants to get started with monitoring in a well-informed way. In this knowledge file you will find current information and links to monitoring projects. This knowledge file is a first version that can be further expanded in the coming period.

What does the Monitoring Lab entail?

In order to connect national developments with what is happening in practice in terms of monitoring, we have created a Monitoring Lab on Climate Adaptation. This Monitoring Lab provides a unique opportunity to brainstorm with various parties on an integrated monitoring system for climate adaptation in a trusted and controlled environment. The participants exchange experiences and ideas, which immediately provides valuable insights and concrete ideas to use in pilot projects. Parties participating in the Lab are helping to develop a monitoring system. CAS has invited these parties to participate in the Lab so that they can learn from others and also inspire others. In this way, the various participants can contribute to the development of an integrated monitoring system. These are frontrunners among the decentralized authorities, with provinces, (DPRA) working regions, water boards and municipalities being represented. All these local authorities are also taking part in concrete pilot projects. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, PBL and the staff of the Delta Programme Commissioner are involved to insure a connection with programmes on a national level.

What do we want to achieve with the Monitoring Lab?

Ultimately, it is the intention of all participants in the Monitoring Lab to develop a monitoring system that works not only for everyone’s own ambitions and purposes. Together we want to contribute to an integral monitoring system that can answer the following questions:

  • Are we doing what has been agreed?
  • What effects do we see in practice?
  • Are we on track?
  • How can we learn from this and become smarter?

Would you like to know more?

Would you like to know more about the pilot projects in the field of monitoring or about the Monitoring Lab? Please contact Kim van Nieuwaal.
