
Climate services for local use

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European Commission


Climate services for local use

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European Commission

Not all climate adaptation tools work equally well everywhere. It is important that they fit well with the local context, challenges, wishes and goals. The European project Co-development of place-based Climate Services for action (CoCliServ) aimed to make climate adaptation services better fit the local context. The project shifted the focus from the supply side to the demand side: what are the needs in practice, what is the local situation? Instead of thinking from the supply of climate services.

Kim van Nieuwaal knows everything about this project

Look at the demand side

CoCliServ has developed a new method that helps local actors think about the demand side, so that they can make climate adaptation better fit the local context. This is because often professionals mainly look at what climate services are available and how they can use them. But this information does not always match local needs. CoCliServ’s method therefore reverses the process: first investigate the local situation, goals and needs. Only then think about the climate services that fit them. So first: what do we want? And then: what do we need to achieve it? This can be climate information, but also broader tools and services.

CAS involved in workshops

On 3 October 2019, CoCliServ organised a workshop in Dordrecht to investigate local needs and goals together with residents of the Vogelbuurt neighbourhood. CAS then showed the effects of climate change with maps from the Climate Impact Atlas. In 2020, CAS was also involved in a CoCliServ workshop specifically on climate services.

Honorable mention

On 15 December 2021, the project received an honourable mention from the JPI Climate Excellence Award for Social Impact 2021. With this award, JPI Climate highlights research projects for their extraordinary contributions to behavioural change and impact in the world.

Look at the demand side

CoCliServ has developed a new method that helps local actors think about the demand side, so that they can make climate adaptation better fit the local context. This is because often professionals mainly look at what climate services are available and how they can use them. But this information does not always match local needs. CoCliServ’s method therefore reverses the process: first investigate the local situation, goals and needs. Only then think about the climate services that fit them. So first: what do we want? And then: what do we need to achieve it? This can be climate information, but also broader tools and services.

CAS involved in workshops

On 3 October 2019, CoCliServ organised a workshop in Dordrecht to investigate local needs and goals together with residents of the Vogelbuurt neighbourhood. CAS then showed the effects of climate change with maps from the Climate Impact Atlas. In 2020, CAS was also involved in a CoCliServ workshop specifically on climate services.

Honorable mention

On 15 December 2021, the project received an honourable mention from the JPI Climate Excellence Award for Social Impact 2021. With this award, JPI Climate highlights research projects for their extraordinary contributions to behavioural change and impact in the world.
