Toolkit Basic communication on waterlogging, flooding, heat and drought

Toolkit to communicate with residents about climate adaptation and activate them

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Toolkit Basic communication on waterlogging, flooding, heat and drought

Toolkit to communicate with residents about climate adaptation and activate them

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Together with Ons Water, Waterklaar and, we developed a communication toolkit for municipalities. This toolkit offers tools to make residents aware of the effects of climate change. You will also find step-by-step plans and tips to encourage residents to make their environment more climate-proof. For instance, how do you organise a campaign for residents to green their gardens? And how do you make sure the action leads to success? You can find the toolkit on the Dutch Knowledge Portal for Climate Adaptation and is free for anyone to use. It was developed for municipalities, but other parties can also use it.

Anna Stolk knows everything about this project

How can the toolkit help municipalities?

Municipalities and other authorities can use the toolkit if they want to make residents aware of the effects of climate change or if they want to encourage residents to get started with climate adaptation. Both require using different communication tools. For example, are you working on a page or website where residents can find information about climate adaptation? Then the toolkit offers an overview with general guidelines for communication, as well as standard texts as a basis or for inspiration. And do you want to organise a campaign to encourage residents to green their gardens? For that too, the toolkit offers all kinds of tools.

What is our role in the development of the toolkit?

CAS came up with the idea of the toolkit and put it together in collaboration with Ons Water, Waterklaar and The toolkit is also a response to one of the recommendations of the Policy Table on Waterlogging and Flooding, which is to raise water awareness. This toolkit is an initial version and it is still under development. We will regularly update the toolkit so that the (Dutch) texts and links are always up to date.

How can the toolkit help municipalities?

Municipalities and other authorities can use the toolkit if they want to make residents aware of the effects of climate change or if they want to encourage residents to get started with climate adaptation. Both require using different communication tools. For example, are you working on a page or website where residents can find information about climate adaptation? Then the toolkit offers an overview with general guidelines for communication, as well as standard texts as a basis or for inspiration. And do you want to organise a campaign to encourage residents to green their gardens? For that too, the toolkit offers all kinds of tools.

What is our role in the development of the toolkit?

CAS came up with the idea of the toolkit and put it together in collaboration with Ons Water, Waterklaar and The toolkit is also a response to one of the recommendations of the Policy Table on Waterlogging and Flooding, which is to raise water awareness. This toolkit is an initial version and it is still under development. We will regularly update the toolkit so that the (Dutch) texts and links are always up to date.
